TERRA I XUFA is a company of producers and marketers of organic fruit and vegetables from the historical Huerta de Valencia
We believe in a proximity agriculture, in which the farmer is a participant in the product value chain. Firstly, because nobody takes care of the quality of the product from the sowing of the seeds to the consumer´s table like the farmer himself. And secondly, because this ensures the economic viability of small-scale organic farming.
Health and agro-ecology!

Terra i Xufa drinks from the roots of our ancestors, the farmers of the Huerta de Valenciaand the dry fields that surround it.

We preserve the genetic heritage that has been improved over generations by adapting it to current organic farming techniques.

The best phytosanitary treatment is the one that is not carried out, that is why we invest our efforts in expanding the rich biodiversity of the Mas
More information → Mas i Riurau del Fondo

We do not understand the agrosystem without extensive and ecological livestock farming, where bees and our guirre sheep enter the cycle of agricultural tasks on the farm.

At the base of all our work is composting made from the manure of the guira sheep which we improve and apply, thus closing the nutrient cycle.

As we believe in an agro-ecological model of consumption, we are committed to direct sales, through short channels with other producers.

We believe in an agro-ecological model of consumption, we are committed to direct sales, through short channels with other producers.
More information →

We try to close the circle to minimize waste generation. That is why we manage the collection of our agricultural plastics with local companies to appraise them and turn them into tables and benches for our farm.

Since the beginning of the project we have entrusted the image of our products to local designers, illustrators or interior designers. Their talent and creativity are infinite. From the photo gallery of the products, stops, trucks, the door of the warehouse…
Design: Didac Ballester
Drawing: Paula Bonet
Interior designer: Frederic Perers